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IBC Hook Integration


The IBC Hook Route is an extension of the IBC Route, used to transmit tunnel packet data from BandChain to other Cosmos SDK-based blockchains. Unlike the standard IBC Route that sends data to the core Cosmos-based application, the IBC Hook Route utilizes ICS-20 token transfers to interact directly with WASM contracts on the destination chain. This enables consumers to create smart contracts that receive real-time price data from BandChain and seamlessly integrate it into their applications.

Creating an IBC Hook Tunnel

To create an IBC Hook Tunnel using the command-line interface (CLI), execute the following command:

bandd tx tunnel create-tunnel ibc-hook [channel-id] [destination-contract-address] [initial-deposit] [interval] [signalInfos-json-file]


  • channel-id: The IBC channel ID used for transmission.
  • destination-contract-address: The WASM contract address on the destination chain.
  • initial-deposit: The initial deposit required to create the tunnel.
  • interval: The frequency at which price updates are sent.
  • signalInfos-json-file: A JSON file containing signal information for the tunnel.

This command initializes an IBC Hook Tunnel that facilitates the secure transmission of real-time price data from BandChain to a WASM contract on another Cosmos SDK-based blockchain.

Updating an IBC Hook Tunnel

BandChain allows tunnel creators to modify certain route details. In this case, tunnel creators can update the IBC channel ID and destination WASM contract address using the following command:

bandd tx tunnel update-route ibc-hook [tunnel-id] [channel-id] [destination-contract-address]

Fee Collection

This route does not require any additional fees. You only need to pay the base fee by sending uband to the Band fee payer address.

Implementing a WASM Contract

Below is an example implementation of a WASM contract to support an IBC Hook Tunnel. The full implementation is available in the cw-band repository.

#[cfg(not(feature = "library"))]
use cw_band::tunnel::packet::{Price, TunnelPacket};

pub fn execute_receive_packet(
deps: DepsMut,
info: MessageInfo,
packet: TunnelPacket,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
if !SENDERS.has(, info.sender) {
return Err(ContractError::Unauthorized);

for price in packet.prices {
let signal_id = &price.signal_id;
match SIGNAL_PRICE.may_load(, signal_id)? {
// If there is no existing price for this signal, save it
None =>, signal_id, &price)?,
// If there is an existing price for this signal, save it only if it is newer
Some(last_price) if last_price.timestamp < price.timestamp => {, signal_id, &price)?
// Otherwise, do nothing
_ => {}

let res = Response::new()
.add_attribute("action", "receive_packet")
.add_attribute("success", "true");